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Big news: our TikTok shop is now live!

Big news: our TikTok shop is now live!

July 10, 2024
  • Announcement

Events continue to move fast here at fourfive – as well as in the world of CBD, in which perceptions are changing fast about the difference that this category of product can help make to many people’s lifestyles.

In our case, we can announce that our TikTok shop is now finally live! This is quite a big deal, given that there aren’t yet many CBD brands that are allowed to sell their offerings on the short-form video hosting service.

If you’re a user of the platform yourself, you will find us at @fourfiveuk. There, we have already uploaded all manner of relatable content, touching on such matters as vitamins and minerals, hydration, all-round wellness, and much more.

Is the game changing for the representation of CBD brands on social media?

As a still-emerging category of supplementation, CBD has rightly caused a lot of fuss, but has also suffered from misconceptions at times.

Some people are still wrongly under the impression, for example, that taking CBD products would get them high, or they might not know about the sheer range of CBD offerings out there that could support different needs.

With our TikTok presence here at fourfive, we’re pleased to be able to put a “human face” on CBD, and the wide range of people who use it in support of their lifestyles.

And by making our renowned CBD products directly available to purchase through TikTok, we’re making it even easier for people to experience the best in premium and quality-tested CBD and vitamin supplements.

There are signs that the game is gradually changing when it comes to CBD brands being able to make their voices heard on social media.

It was only recently reported that Meta, for example – the parent company of Facebook, Instagram and Threads, the latter the “Twitter alternative” that it seems everyone has been talking about lately – has updated its policies to now allow non-ingestible CBD products to be promoted, subject to certain limitations.

We wouldn’t be surprised to see more such steps taken by the major social networks in the months and years to come, as people increasingly turn to CBD oils, capsules, balms, and similar products to help them achieve balance in their lives.

Is now the time to see what the fuss is all about?

In much the same way as social media sites such as TikTok are altering how they treat brands that wish to market CBD, it is being realised to an ever-greater extent that the optimal CBD products can be a game-changer for all-round wellness. People are moving from asking themselves “What is CBD?”, to enquiring about what CBD can do for their own lives.

For answers to those questions and to experience the difference for yourself, please feel free to browse our store now, and to take advantage of 10% off your first order.

And don’t forget that by signing up for a subscription from us, you could save even more money over time on some of the finest CBD and vitamin offerings out there!