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Hydration is Key

Hydration is Key

July 10, 2024
  • Education
  • Nutrition

The fourfive Guide to Why Hydration Matters.

We’ve all heard the term “Hydration is Key”, but the key to what exactly? We’ve pulled together some top stats to help you understand why hydration matters and actually, it’s key to everything.

Dehydration During Exercise

Sweating when you exercise is something we all expect to happen and some of us push this even further with classes such as Bikram yoga. But even without these extreme environments, according to BUPA you can lose as much as two litres of fluid an hour when exercising, which is not surprising when you think that up 90% of your body weight is actually water.

You might think that your body will tell you when dehydration kicks in, but the bad news is by the time you feel thirsty, it’s already too late. On average we start to dehydrate within 30 minutes of moderate exercise. Our body starts to sweat in order to cool down, but this leads to general fluid loss and eventually, dehydration.

This then leads to reduced blood flow to our muscles, which makes them tight and can potentially lead to DOMS, pulls and strains. In other words, dehydrated muscles are more prone to injury and take longer to recover.

It’s also not just water that we’re losing. Our sweat contains essential electrolytes such as sodium, which the body uses to help control blood pressure, nerve and muscle function. So if you’re not replacing the fluids and essential minerals you’re losing during exercise you become more likely to experience fatigue, muscle cramps, increased heart rate and slower recovery. If you’re looking to hit a P.B. this week, hydration is key.

Hydration and Your Brain

It’s not just during exercise that hydration should be at the forefront of our minds. With water making up 80% of brains, ensuring you are well hydrated throughout the day is also crucial for mood, concentration and overall cognitive brain function.

This can affect how quickly and accurately you can perform a task, so whether you’re losing focus at your desk or on the pitch, reaching for your water bottle could be a great solution.

It’s not just the practical stuff either. Dehydration plays a large role in how we feel. Some studies have found that just 1% dehydration can have a negative effect on our mood. Feeling thirsty can make us feel anxious, confused and generally less happy.

How to Spot The Signs of Dehydration

If you’re looking to spot the early signs of dehydration, look no further than your pee. Our toilet habits can tell us a lot about the amount of water we are (or aren’t) taking in. So next time you visit the loo use our handy chart to find out if you should be taking on board more fluids.

Staying Hydrated with fourfive

Fourfive Hydrate tablets are designed to support hydration. Designed for use during and after exercise, our low calorie tablets replace electrolytes lost through sweating, as well as containing water-soluble vitamins to support metabolism, energy production and recovery. By adding sodium and other electrolytes including potassium, fourfive hydrate can help the body to stay hydrated during and post exercise.